Tuesday, September 8, 2020


 Introverts Vs Extroverts

The importance of work from home has been highly signified lately especially in circumstances of COVID-19. The importance of personality traits while working from home is a matter of great concern and creates a huge difference. This depends on the type of personality, whether it’s an introvert or an extrovert personality. For an introvert person, it’s something that depends on nature. This nature relates to the nature of employees working. As they can cope with working alone at home due to personality traits.

On the other hand, an extrovert can have some trouble while working from home. Ironically, due to the nature of personality that is more outgoing and friendly. The idea of working from home is an appealing one. It holds its benefits that include lack of supervision and nature i.e. freedom of work.

Working remotely during a global pandemic can be challenging and interesting at the same time. It’s a matter of fact that the pandemic is a situation that is highly regarded as a health issue that needs social distancing and quarantine. Hence, for people working from home, a balance in personality trait i.e. introvert and extrovert shall help people with both types of personalities. Whether it’s the ‘need of the hour’ or a Govt. order, people need flexibility at higher levels for better impacts. Hence, in times of extreme and prolonged stress such as working from home in isolation. There are huge chances that the psyche of a person is highly affected and may begin to flip.

This is another aspect that can be a cause of changing behaviors that are opposite to their original personality. Hence, this can also affect energy levels especially for people who are extroverts and enjoy their energies through mingling with people.

Author: Syed Mahmood Naqvi 

Courtesy: MBE Blog

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